About On Form Physio

Helping to get over injuries and achieve optimal performance.

Physiotherapy and coaching

At On Form Physio, our mission is to provide exceptional, personalised care to individuals seeking to enhance their physical well-being, recover from injuries, and optimise their overall quality of life.

Guided by our core values of compassion, expertise, and innovation, we are committed to going beyond traditional rehabilitation approaches and place a strong emphasis on coaching and performance enhancement. We believe that true rehabilitation encompasses not only the restoration of physical function but also the ability to excel in various activities and pursuits.

Holistic rehabilitation and performance enhancement

At On Form Physio, we take a holistic approach to rehabilitation and performance enhancement. We not only focus on treating the symptoms but also identifying and addressing the underlying causes of physical limitations. Our evidence-based practices, advanced assessment techniques, and cutting-edge technologies enable us to provide targeted interventions that improve biomechanics, enhance strength and flexibility, optimise movement patterns, and prevent future injuries.

Personalised care

We are dedicated to empowering our clients to perform at their best in their chosen activities, whether it be competitive sports, performing arts, or everyday tasks. We believe that every individual has unique performance goals, and we strive to tailor our rehabilitation to meet those specific needs. Through progressive and personalised training, we aim to unlock each client’s full potential, helping them achieve higher levels of performance and excel in their endeavours.

At On Form Physio, we understand that performance optimisation is a continuous process that requires ongoing support and guidance. We provide comprehensive education, exercise programming, and performance monitoring to ensure that our clients have the tools and knowledge to sustain their progress and reach new levels of success.

In need of physiotherapy or coaching? Book online now!

About Neil Gallagher, Founder of On Form Physio

As the founder of On Form Physio Neil embodies our mission to not only help you recover from injury but to help you optimise your performance. Having worked as a physio for over a decade Neil understands the need for personalised care and prides himself on supporting his patients needs along their rehab journey.

Neil is passionate about health and fitness and as such has developed expertise in individualised rehabilitation going far beyond just giving out yellow bands and bodyweight squats. As a keen gym goer and crossfit member he understands the benefits that this type of training has on individuals physical and mental well being. However, he understands that this type of training isn’t for everyone and having worked as a pilates instructor he is in the perfect position to choose the rehab strategy that suits you.

Neil believes that achieving your goals has 2 key aspects:
  1. Knowing what the injury is and why it has happened
  2. Education and empowering his clients about how we can fix the problem

As a result Neil will spend time to sit down with you and plot your personalised plan back to full health and fitness, and do so in a way which works for your life. We are incredibly lucky to work out of some amazing state of the art clinics and Neil will use this innovative technology blended with personalised care to provide the top class physiotherapy that his patients deserve.